May 27, 2024

Guide: Choosing the Best PIM for Companies That Use Salesforce

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Guide: Choosing the Best PIM for Companies That Use Salesforce


In the digital age, where e-commerce and customer experience reign supreme, managing product information efficiently is more crucial than ever. A Product Information Management (PIM) solution can be a game-changer for companies looking to streamline their product data management. However, selecting the right PIM solution is not a decision to be made lightly. This white paper explores key considerations for companies adopting a PIM solution for the first time, highlighting often overlooked areas and the challenges of integrating standalone applications.

Here are the top 10 considerations to guide you through the selection process:

Integration Capabilities: Assess how well the PIM solution integrates with your existing technology stack, including CRM, ERP, and e-commerce platforms. Seamless integration ensures smooth data flow and maintains data integrity across systems.

Data Quality and Governance: Look for PIM solutions that offer robust data governance tools. These should include features for data validation, standardization, and deduplication to ensure high-quality, reliable product information.

User Accessibility: Consider the accessibility of the PIM solution for various internal stakeholders, such as sales, marketing, and customer service teams. Easy access to accurate product information is crucial for enhancing team efficiency and improving customer experiences.

Scalability: The chosen PIM should be scalable to accommodate your company's growth and the expanding volume of product data. It should handle increasing SKUs, languages, and channels without compromising performance.

Flexibility and Customization: Evaluate the PIM's flexibility to adapt to your unique business requirements. Customization options allow you to tailor the solution to fit your specific product data management needs.

Support for Digital Assets: A comprehensive PIM solution should support the management of digital assets such as images, videos, and documents. This includes capabilities for storing, organizing, and associating these assets with the relevant products.

Multi-Channel Support: Ensure the PIM solution facilitates multi-channel marketing and sales strategies. It should enable you to manage and distribute product information consistently across all customer touchpoints.

Workflow and Collaboration Tools: The ability to define workflows and collaborate within the PIM system can significantly enhance operational efficiency. Look for features that support task assignment, approval processes, and team collaboration.

Global and Local Market Support: If your business operates in multiple markets, choose a PIM that supports multiple languages and localizations. This includes the ability to manage product information tailored to specific regions and cultures.

Analytics and Reporting: Advanced analytics and reporting capabilities allow you to gain insights into your product data's quality, completeness, and performance across channels. This can inform strategic decisions and highlight areas for improvement.

Understanding Your Internal Stakeholder Needs

One of the most critical, yet frequently overlooked, aspects of selecting a PIM solution is ensuring that it meets the needs of all internal stakeholders. Sales, service, and marketing teams require easy access to accurate and up-to-date product information to perform their roles effectively. A common realization post-implementation is the necessity for a PIM solution that not only caters to product managers but also seamlessly integrates with the workflows of these key internal teams. Ensuring that your PIM solution can provide comprehensive access across departments is essential for maximizing its benefits.

The Challenge of Standalone PIM Applications

Many companies opt for standalone PIM applications, only to discover the inherent challenges of onboarding such solutions. The primary issue lies in the data silos created from day one. Standalone PIM solutions often operate independently of other critical business systems, leading to fragmented data management processes. This separation can hinder the flow of information between departments and negatively impact operational efficiency and customer experience. 

Integrating PIM with Customer Data in CRM

Almost invariably, companies seek to connect their PIM system with their Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software. This integration is vital for leveraging product information to enhance customer interactions and personalize marketing efforts. However, bridging the gap between PIM and CRM has historically been a significant challenge. Traditional PIM solutions are not designed with this level of integration in mind, leading to complex and sometimes ineffective attempts to link product data with customer insights.

The Optimal Solution: A PIM Built on an Existing Platform

The ideal solution to these challenges is to select a PIM solution that is built on an existing platform already utilized within the company. A PIM that integrates natively with platforms like Salesforce, where business users (i.e., Sales, Service, etc.) spend their day, offers unparalleled advantages. This approach ensures that product data is deeply connected to customer data, facilitating a seamless flow of information across all departments. Moreover, it eliminates the need for complex integrations and reduces the risk of data silos, enabling companies to leverage their product information to its fullest potential.


Selecting the right PIM solution requires careful consideration of your company's unique needs and the potential challenges of integrating standalone systems. By prioritizing a solution that offers native integration with existing platforms and provides easy access for all internal stakeholders, companies can avoid common pitfalls and unlock the full potential of their product data. A PIM solution built on a platform like Salesforce not only simplifies data management but also enhances customer experiences by leveraging the deep connection between product and customer data. As companies navigate the selection process, focusing on these key considerations will guide them toward a PIM solution that drives operational efficiency and supports their business goals.

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